This page will provide answers to many of the typical questions and concerns that are posed when approaching your next project.
Yes. COOLWALL® provides designers with a much greater selection of colors in medium and dark tones without concerns of fading.
The coatings that are so-called “ceramic” are just ordinary coatings that have had small ceramic spheres added to it. Yes, it sounds good. However, science does not support the claims of it being “ceramic.” In fact, the Department of Energy and the Federal Trade Commission has debunked these ceramic coatings, as there is not enough thickness to affect the insulation.
- Starts with clean surface
- COOLWALL® can be applied without primer, if you are recoating with the same color
Both COOLWALL® primer and finish are required if you are recoating in a different color
The COOLWALL® System is excellent for reflecting heat. Its ability to keep wall surfaces cooler directly correlates to its ability to reflect a substaintial precentage of the non-visible portion of the spectrum which leaves the color unaffected.
This refers to interior paints. Products like COOLWALL® System passes the Green Seal requirements.
The COOLWALL® System does not have an “R” (resistance) rating because it does not function by an insulation process. The COOLWALL® System does not get as hot because it reflects the infrared energy from the sun, which significantly decreases the amount of heat that the insulation needs to keep out. Since the COOLWALL® System increases the solar reflectivity, it causes surface temperatures to decline and reduces cooling costs as well
If there is a color difference of one DELTA (E) value, then that means the point of which a color difference begins is noticeable to an average person’s eye. A color difference of three DELTA (E) values is a color difference that is noticeable by most people
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory tests showed that the COOLWALL® System reduces cooling costs up to 21.9%.
The COOLWALL® System is strategically designed to last a lifetime! In fact, testing showed that the COOLWALL® System still looked like new after more than 10 years of exposure and showed no signs of changing in the future.
Tom Hicks, who is the Vice President of the U.S Green Building Council, is a firm believer in the technology and should be useful acting as a facilitator. The most crucial aspect here is to get the first successful application through the system, which will be an example for future submissions to ensure the granting of credit. Early submissions have the highest possibility of success.
No, there is no effect regardless of the condition. The COOLWALL® will be the same if it is applied to a previously painted project, and it will also be the same if it is applied to a surface that has never been painted or coated before.
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