Are your windows old and drafty? Are you searching for a secure way of increasing the value of your home? Or are you looking to improve the energy efficiency of your household? Whatever your reason is, replacing your windows will most likely be in your plans. The process can be simple or complicated depending on your situation, so it’s best to be prepared for what’s to come. This blog will go over what to expect during a window installation replacement and go over a few tips to keep in mind for a smoother installation process.

Contractor installing windows (What to Expect During a Window Replacement)

Acquire Window Permits

Deciding on replacing windows is the first step toward the process. Now that you know your plans, you’ll have to check with your local building department to find out if a permit is needed for a new window. A permit is usually required if your current window opening will be modified for a different size or type of window. However, if you’re simply replacing your current windows and not making any alterations, then a permit will most likely not be needed.

Schedule the Window Installation

Once you’ve acquired the window permit or determined that one isn’t necessary, can you then schedule the window installation with a certified window contractor. The project’s length will be determined depending on factors such as:

  • The number of windows being replaced in your home
  • The structural formatting of your home (ex: two-story homes may take longer)
  • Whether you’re getting new construction windows or retrofit windows
  • Whether your frame needs repairs
  • The weather

On average, you can expect a two to three-day time frame to complete the project. This is supposed upon everything running smoothly and no repairs or other issues coming up.

Prepare for the Window Installation

To make the window installation process quicker and smoother, making some preparations beforehand is a smart idea. Things you should do to prepare for the window installation includes:

  • Clearing a pathway – clear the areas around the windows (indoors and outdoors) to give access for the window installers to work with ease. For example, you can remove outdoor obstacles such as patio chairs, barbeque grills, and flower pots. Potential indoor obstacles you should remove include tables, beds, wall items, and any fragile items.
  • Removing window treatments – Remove obstacles that can interfere with the work, including window treatments, blinds, and shades.
  • Turn off Security features – If you have a security system installed in your home, make sure to turn it off.
  • Cover up floor and furnishings – Caulking, cutting, and painting may be involved, so it’s a good idea to cover up the floor and furnishings with lay drop cloths or plastic. Some installers bring their own, so check with them beforehand.
  • Keep pets away – For the safety of the workers and your pets, keep your pets away from the work area.

Furniture covered with plastic on the kitchen for window installation

Window Installation

Making preparations will allow the installation process to start sooner. When your windows are delivered, check to see if they’re the correct ones and if they’re in good shape. You will want to bring up any errors or damages to the attention of your contractors right away.

When the contractor team arrives, they will prepare the project area with protective coverings. Your old windows will be removed, and your new replacement windows will be installed. As a general rule, one window is removed and replaced at a time. This way, your home isn’t exposed to the elements, especially if the project runs over a couple of days. The old windows will be properly disposed of by the window installers.

Unforeseen Circumstances

You should always be prepared for those unforeseen circumstances. It may seem like everything is fine until the window is removed. This is where many underlying issues can be identified. If issues are found, this could mean repairs, an increase in initial costs, and maybe a longer project time.

Weather is also a common issue that can prolong the project as well. Although installers might be fine with working in the rain, you might not want your home to get wet or muddy. Converse with your contractors to determine what are the acceptable conditions in regards to weather.

Window Installation Complete

Once your windows have been installed, check to see if there are any visible gaps along the window’s frame and if you can open and close the window. If there are any problems, bring them up with your window installers. At Select Home Improvements, you won’t have to worry about mistakes like these because we perform quality windows installations ALWAYS! We hope this blog helps you get an idea of what to expect during a window replacement. If you’re looking for a reliable contractor to replace your windows, then Select Home Improvements is the team for you! We have years of experience in the field and are ready to give you the best window replacement services around! Give us a call at (855) 995-2233, or click here for a free quote!

Select Home Improvements is the best choice if you are looking for a window replacement contractor. If you have questions about your project please contact Select Home Improvements. We are here to assist you.
Call us at (855) 995-2233.